
Environmental Safety & Equipment Management

Disaster Recovery Plan of Information Systems – Defines the steps that are taken in the event a disaster or catastrophic event occurs that renders the organization’s information systems unusable for an extended period of time.

Driver Safety and Motor Vehicle Record (MVR) – The organization requires all employees who operate a motor vehicle to do so in a safe manner and to promote safety on all public streets and highways for the well being of our employees and the general public.

Emergency Operations Plan – The possibility of a state emergency or federal emergency with little warning requires that local government and community agencies take automatic, predetermined actions under varying conditions. However, with advance warning an established system of preparedness assists with response actions. These actions are designated as Operating Conditions (OPCONs). An OPCON is the level of emergency or disaster that may occur. The emergency operations plan includes coordination with county and state emergency management services according to these OPCON levels.

Emergency Preparedness and Response

Hazardous Waste Disposal – THA Group employees will comply with federal regulations on the handling, storage, and disposal of all hazardous waste.

Management of Environmental Safety – To address the need for coordination of activities involved in the management of environments.

Management of Equipment & Disposable Supplies – Defines the process for managing telehealth monitors, home medical equipment and disposable supplies.

Patient Safety Plan – The Safety Program includes, but is not limited to, all direct and indirect patient care activities and services and employee activities and facilities, including home visits, telephonic visits, care calls, telehealth, equipment management, recording of information and clinical documentation, intra- and inter-agency communication processes, and office utilities and structures such as electricity, alarm systems, stairs, and furniture.

Personal Safety – It is the policy of THA Group to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and to follow practices that will safeguard all employees. Since everyone is responsible for preventing accidents, employees are expected to comply with safety procedures in order to avoid endangering themselves or fellow employees.

Security Risk Assessment – THA Group conducts a proactive Security Risk Assessment at least annually to evaluate the potential adverse impact of the external environment and the services provided on the security of staff, patients, visitors and others coming into any of the branch offices or performing home visits.

Smoke-Free Environment – THA Group maintains the philosophy that a healthy lifestyle and prevention of disease are critical factors in promoting longevity and the quality of life. Given the substantial amount of evidence supporting the health risks associated with use of tobacco and tobacco products, we strive to encourage our employees to be role models for both our patients and the communities we serve. To this end, THA Group, Inc. is an entirely smoke-free working environment.

Workplace Violence Prevention – THA Group is committed to preventing workplace violence and to maintaining a safe work environment.